Officers and Board of Directors


Shirley Wang ’90 Chair
William E. Mitchell P ’07 Immediate Past Chair
Rhea P. Turteltaub, Executive Vice President
Julie A. Sina, Chief Financial Officer
Srinivas B. Pulavarti, Chief Investment Officer
Nicholas T. Goldsborough, Vice President-Development
Jocelyn M. Tabata ’86 Executive Director


Chancellor Gene D. Block
David A. Ackert ’77, MBA ’82, JD ’82
Susan Baumgarten ’73, MS ’76, MBA ’79
Jeffrey P. Brown
David S. Chernow ’79
Craig E. Ehrlich ’78
Russell A. Hagey ’82
Jordan Kaplan MBA ’86
J. Alberto Lemus ’91
Meyer Luskin ’49
John T. Mapes ’90, P ’20
Alicia Miñana de Lovelace JD ’87
Steven A. Olsen ’77
Jay Palchikoff ’77, JD ’82, P ’09, ’12, ’12
Linda Gach Ray ’76, JD ’79
Maurice M. Salter ’69, EdD ’77, Chair Emeritus
Christine N. Simmons ’98
Maggie M. Tsai ’83
Annette Johnston Welton ’84, P ’16
Victor S. Zhang ’96

Partnership with the Centennial Campaign for UCLA

Anthony (Tony) N. Pritzker Co-Chair
Garen Staglin ’66, P ’01 Co-Chair